The original concept for this project was based on the idea to create individual 5 mile hexes that were modular in nature. Each hex would be fully fleshed out, with encounters/points of interest included, and could be dropped into any campaign world. The first hex focuses on two specific areas, The Castle of the Bloated One and the Vale of Kings, but also includes seven small towns, three lakes, two ruins. and one set of standing stones:
The Castle of the Bloated One environment:
- 5 level Castle
- 2 Full Dungeon Levels
- Pyramid of Lux the Mad
- Ruins of Sin & Sorrow
- Ruins of Lycosis
- Vargas EarthMaster Site
- Mines of Neb-Tet
- VK I - Hahmere II
- VK II - Mut I
- VK III - Seshem IV
- VK IV - Malshek III
- VK V - Nebthet II
- VK VI - Hem I
- VK VII - Ptah-Hetep II
- VK IX - Mahdram I
- VK XIII - Unknown
A closeup of the Castle Precinct, taken from the Sketchup original model: